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Old 03-02-06, 08:35 PM   #5
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Q: Im not bent on discrediting it. Its the largest religion in the world. And I would completely rip into a secular humanist, if I ever came across one... but I never have.

And what do you mean by "you people"? Thats just the kind of thing im talking about. Thinking you are superior, and dont say you dont, because its obvious you do. I dont know the nature of your faith, nor do I know much about your personality so this possibly might not even be directed at you. If there is a SOLID reason you are a christian, and you truly attempt to uphold the teachings of jesus then I dont have aything wrong with you. Notice it says 95% in the title. The majority of christians are straight up sheep. Believing something illogical, for no reason at all and not even acting like a christian.

But then there are the other 5%... The perfect example of this is a biology teacher at where I work. Hes a dope guy... real laid back, loves nature, enjoys his life. Ive had a lot of good conversations with him about religion and his faith... He is a christian. He explained to me his reasons for believing in Jesus, and they were sound. He is an educated guy who conciously and with much thought made his decision. I have nothing against that. What I hate is when people are dumbasses, dont even think about anything and believe what theyre told blindly.

G deuce: Ive got a preliminary degree in theology... Ive studied the bible, I used to be a christian. I've "been to the bottom of the ocean" to use your analogy. And I made my choice not to be a christian. I am, however, a spiritual guy.. There are other answers to those questions besides the ones offered in religion.

anyway I gotta go now. ill probably write more later.
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