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Old 03-03-06, 12:49 PM   #7
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by ~Lady Fiya~
I never knew about the Source Interview and especially dealing with them like no one cares (well I don't) bout Three 6 Mafia but that "Sippin on some Sizurp" song and some other song they did with Project Pat a while ago. Something looked wrong with them when they performed "Stay Fly" on Wild 'N Out a few weeks ago. And to find out about this I was like wtf?

And my niece was dancing to the instrumental and she only 1 and a half. She don't know what it mean... so I have to watch what I play around her since she ignorant to what's going on around her. She can't decide what to listen to and not to at her age, ya know? So I just want people to open their ears.

I know a lotta songs got iffy messages in them, but man this made me upset.

You're absolutely right, and you're completely justified in being upset. Here's the funny thing though; Do you think the stations don't know that? They know. They just don't care. They don't give a shit about us. If they did, radio stations wouldn't be anywhere NEAR what they're like today.

But so many rap tracks are packed with subliminal messages that you can't even hear! The technology to hide a voice in the tones of a beat has been around for years now, and you better believe that people are using it. It's all about money. They get paid off you being a zombie. The walking talking dead that think they're living. On a leash your entire life being jerked in one direction or the next literally daily.

But here's some other more audible, yet un-noticible messages that are plugged into your mind. When we listen to music, we zone out - it's human nature. Your concious focus is dulled and you open to the suggestions of the song. This is known as "trance". You're moving around, talking, living your life, but you're in a trance because your brain is a step above unconcious - you might even snap out of it sometimes like "oh shit". These are signs of trance. Now, did you know JKwon's song "get tipsy" had a repetitive whisper that says "...everybody in the club get tipsy..". Now when you're in a club dancing, you're already in trance from the music, so at this point, statements like "get tipsy" subconciously transform into commands - EXACTLY like if you were hypnotized, statements to "clap your hands" become commands that will make you...guess what...clap your hands. Redundancy reinforces this, and what a coincidence, the entire hook is redundant.

TV commercials work the EXACT same way. The images you are shown causes the brain to put down it's concious side (left brain that's analytical) and only go into its emotional side (the right right brain that paints its imagination). By using very low intellegence material (lyrics in songs, slow moving images in commercials, etc) that you DON'T need to think and put effort into automatically causes trance, and that's when they come up with slogans that sound one way, but mean something completely different to a person in trance, such as:

"Have it your way"
"What you crave"
"Get into it"
"Just do it"
"Double your pleasure. Double your fun"
"once you pop, you can't stop"
and so man more.

None of these are statements. In trance, they ALL are commands, every one of them. And this is but a snowflake on the tip of the iceburg.

People get paid millions to write these commercials and slogans, and there's a very specific reason why. Companies make more money off of you when you're brainwashed, so they study how to activate trance in your mind (as I've explained above) then insert the message. They even research the prime time to run their commercials - when the views minds are beat down from a day of work and dosen't have the strength to fight the messages. What a TV land, that time is called "Prime Time". Ever noticed how many different commercials that you see at night that you NEVER see during the day?

If it's one thing I know, it's the subconcious mind and the things that affect it. I've been studying things like subliminal messages and their structure for YEARS. I even intentionally made a subliminal message that sounds like one statement foward, and a completely different statment backwards when everyone was saying that it's impossible and pure coincidence that they appear in songs so frequently, just to illustrate how easily implemented this is. I'm glad you noticed this LF. I'm glad you're waking up and shedding the chains.

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