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Old 03-03-06, 02:11 PM   #19
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by ...Indeph
Damn wtf? Ok that's fucked up. I'ma just go back to listening to eminem and be free of the devil worshipping. kthxbye

ahaha. You're kidding right? The mind hears things that the ears can't, my friend. Ever heard of a song called "Lose yourself"? That's one of the most blatantly subliminal songs I've ever heard. Check this out:

"Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?"

hmmm....lets see what eminem wants to capture..

"Souls escaping, through this hole that it's gaping
This world is mine for the taking
Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order"

Wow. There's that "K" word again. King. hmmm......where did the word "King" come from? Lets look back to the worlds first civilization in the cradle of life (Mesopotamia) where they spoke the devine language known as Ashuric. "King" came from the ashuric word "Kingu", which was a name, long before it was a title, like Caesar was. Do you know who Kingu is? The name of the most powerful demon ever. The reptillian son of the moon (which is why druids, pegans and other such cultures base their rituals around the moon). The first instance of a giant reptile. The source of every image of a dragon you've ever seen. Lord of the gods. The god of 'the 25,000 year sleep' - aka 'the spell of ignorance' aka TRANCE.

This is recorded in the Enum Elish, which is a series of written scrolls that are older than humanity it self. Even 10's of thousands of years older than 'The Bible', who ALSO states that Kingu, err...."satan" was a reptillian being. As a matter of fact, the bible is a warped re-telling of the Enum Elish as is every religious groups main book, right down to greek mythology - it is the common string that binds them all.

Wait till you find out for your self who and what Kingu is and the other names and forms it's taken. Then wait till you find out what made him so powerful. Google "Kingu" and then "The spell of Kingu" (sometimes called "The spell of leviathan") and you'll learn something very very interesting that may possibly scare you.

Hey, did you know that the 12th planet in our solar system is officially named Kingu?? hmm..strange.

woah woah woahh...wait a second....didn't eminem say "make me king, as we move toward a New World Order"? world order...where have I heard that before? hmmmm.....the New World Order revolves the worship of the god of the moon. The same god who's eye is pictured on the back of the one dollar bill. Around that, is a banner that reads "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which is latin for "New Order of the World" or "New world order".

what a coincidence.

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