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Old 03-03-06, 09:42 PM   #5
in your system
Posts: 7,619
From: Adanac

Originally Posted by Terumoto
Usually with children, their parents raise them and pass their values, beliefs, ideals, opinions, behaviour etc onto them. The child's personality is then made up of a combination of nature, nurture, and exposure... probably in a 1:1:1 ratio.

Parents should be a large part of your life, and then when you get older the adult-child relationship should change to an adult-adult relationship. Love should be experienced in childhood and adulthood between children and parents. Many walks of life should be experienced primarily in that relationship.

Thats how things usually happen.

But I was thinking about this the other day... What about me? I wasnt very close to my parents, so my personality is missing the nurture part. For me, values, ideals, opinions, behaviour etc were created from just nature and exposure. So the innate traits I have in my DNA combined with everything I have been exposed to is what makes me me. Which draws me to conclude that I am missing an integral part of my being, and have a deficient personality.

I dont quite know what this actually means for me... But I have noticed that I think differently and behave differently to most people, and I find it hard to trust people in general. Since two thirds of my input was exposure, my sense of humor and thought processes and shit matured quite early... But without parental guidance and input, a lot of my life skills (communication, morality, priorities, social skills) are underdeveloped or abnormal.

so wtf are people like me supposed to do about what we missed out on and shit? -_-

Its pretty fucked.

wow, that's pretty much exact how i grew up, except i had 2 brothers and sister to make my development phase a real pain in the ass. but the way i see, its not like you lack in that area, or its a setback you missed out on the nurture part, because if you think about it, and you did get that attention, then maybe you wouldnt've turned out the way you are now....could be something better, could be alot worse....i don't yearn, or let myself be held back of a little ideal that could've heightened my social skills etc...cause i'm totally cool with how i turned out; i'm really athletic, independant, determined, strong willed

but it is a pretty thought provoking topic to think about

this world is a drug, and everyone's selfish

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