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Old 03-05-06, 12:08 PM   #1
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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Posts: 2,147,484,064
From: Gaza Strip
Triple split in the road....


Was having a discussion which I thought I'd bring up here to see if people could add anything interesting... Always good to deviate from the religion bullshit everyone likes to yap on about in this forum...(myself included-_-)

Way I see it, there are 3 different ways a music artist can go after they been making music for years and years....

1) They find their niche and compleatly just fall into a cycle where they have a fan base that expect a certain style of music from them and they leave themselves very little room to grow and elevate from their working formula. Therefore creating music that is often just similar to everything theyve already made and even sometimes becomming redundant..

2) They begin to lose the passion they once had and making music becomes more of a business venture than an artistic form of expression. Which inevidibly creates a situation where they fall off and slowly fade away..

3) They continue learning new things and really begin to understand the stages they go through as a person and how to express it on a song continually learning from their mistakes and elevating, changing their style to move along with the times constantly re-creating their image and making new challenges for themselves...

I dont think I've seen any artist in the industry do anything other than one of these 3 except die...... Its interesting though scaling your faverite rappers realistically and figuring out what they are...

I'd say eminem was a 2....
Tupac was a 3....
Wutang are usually 1's....(cept for some who continually surprise me with new shit)
Non phixion and all them are prolly ones...
Snoops a 2....

Iunno..........What does everyone else recon....
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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