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Old 03-06-06, 11:46 AM   #26
Posts: 120
From: WESTSIDE, Cali-fo!

If you dont care then why are u in this thread? lol

they look nothing alike and u know that complexion is completly different

I never wasted my time why? because i made sure she wont come back here again, i told her i was gon expose her

i still cant believe u guys think they look the, the shit is making me laugh no beef but LMFAO

and hell yeah!....this is a photo booth, it is one of the many part section in this site, and is FOR pictures. there are over a thousand members on this site, and only 60 people have responded to this thread, subtract that from a thousand so how are you gonna cry about your battle votes when you still have under or over a thousand people to check it....well..thats if its a 'god' battle.

Secondly you people come in here saying aww cri$$tyle your wasting your time, but the thing is that you dont know that I'VE already accomplished what i wanted to do which was to stop lil c from coming to this site OR posting a fake picture, i KNOW the other girl PERSONALLY and she wanted this too

3rdly Again you people COME in here saying you dont care...well...really?...umm but your still coming in here right? out peace
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