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Old 03-07-06, 12:14 PM   #21
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728

Originally Posted by Mc Wicked
I got a question for everybody.... After how long u all have been on this web site what have u acomplished????
When I first started with the internet game I thought that this was a great Idea to get feedback on tracks that I've done and talk with other Hip-hop fans about Hip-hop. Now after I have been hear for a while I realise what a waste of time this is.........
Being on this web site I get so annoyed at people who will get mad because u diss one of there fav artists...then they go and do the same shit about an artist that they dont really like.
I mean I waste time talking on this web site when I could be working on my next mixtape.

The Thing about talkin to other Hip-hop fans gets kind of old when u got E-thugs threatining u because u said somthing they dont like.... I mean for real IT'S THE INTERNET FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!! Whats the point of acting all hard for all we no ur a 12 year old school girl who gets picked on so u come on the internet act tuff to make ur self feel better. And what about all the 13 14 year old kids that come on these sites and act like they Gods Gift to Rap.

If u guys where for real serious about tryin to make money off they rap game u would be out in the streets everyday slanging ur tapes getting ur name out in the streets...not the internet......

No dissrespect to anybody because I know alot of u like this site im just giving my 2 cents


Nobody has to justify themselves to you, idiot.

People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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