Thread: "White power"
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Old 03-07-06, 04:15 PM   #5
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Simple, if I'm right and I think I am. Whites always named themselves superior, so they wouldn't need to raise themselves in their eyes if they thought themselves the best out of all. Perhaps they thought they got their power from belittling others, like a schoolyard bully. If I ever encounter a KKK member and figure out who he is, I'm not stopping to ask him 'why do you do it?' Maybe if he's like a KKK man turned Christian like one of the initial starters...what was his name, Nathaniel something?

Negros were always treated bad in comparison, so their power would come to elevating themselves to be equal to the top. They never went to try and lower the whites like our ancestors did them, which is respectable. Their power would've came from equality.
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