Thread: "White power"
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Old 03-08-06, 05:13 AM   #9
Talen Ted
Posts: 155

Originally Posted by Tha Q.
Well, I may be alone in this thinking. But, anyone who disagrees with homosexuality, for example, shouldn't be startled by separatist groups. I've heard hate ranging in the form of, "those people should be burned alive." So, to people who hate "gay people" I say, "RESPECT THE KKK." In fact, I don't have a problem with the KKK. They can THINK whatever they want. The problem is, they've historically been a terrorist group and should have been disbanded a long time ago. The KKK was originally formed to scare blacks. Now, they claim their goal is to "preserve" the "white race." Little do they know that ALL LIFE originated in Africa. And, while blacks were inventing languages and science, they were still clubbing each other over the head in caves.

go figure

Thats just a theory
there have been much older skeletal bodies found in Asia
Originally Posted by TaShay
Anal Sex? omg....I aint gonna lie, i tried, but it didnt fit, and i just cant take it...I dont understand, how that can be penetrated just as regular vaginal sex....What is the thrill in Anal Sex?
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