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Old 03-08-06, 10:24 PM   #8
M Eazy
Put Yo Money On Me
Posts: 1,653
From: Sacramento, CA

Originally Posted by Braille
Don't flatter yourself my friend, your an EXAMPLE of why hip hop is dying...because you think you know more about it...than someone else...because of there color..or background..or obviously have some kind of reading comprehension or literacy issue....otherwise you would have said...."Your right, i shouldn't judge anyone, about anything, i'm sorry"

Dont try to sound all important and know what you are talking about, all of you sound extremely stupid!! Hip Hop is Hip Hop. Whatever happens to it happens, who really cares? Whether there are weak artist in the game or good ones, its gunna end up how it ends up. I personally think hip hop is at its strongest...Rock bands/artist are the ones gettin paid more money and having tha most fun, and that was and remains a fact, but hip hop bands/artist have risen from tha time it first started to now, and every year, hip hop artist are getttin wealthier and startin more trends...why? because of exposure. more people are listening to hip hop each year. every fan hip hop looses it gains 10 more. So, if hip hop was dying, it wouldve been dead! pointblank, period.
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