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Old 03-09-06, 02:10 PM   #8
ILL GRAMMATIX... any other questions?
ILL GEE's Avatar
Posts: 1,335
From: ATL..still reppin' NYC

Originally Posted by Not Q
Fuck that shit.....
If I leave feedback I can't battle.....because I'm honest.
If you dont climb all over sum ones nutsack in the songs forum it's 9/5 that they're linkin there way to a battle of yours to tell you how bad you are and vote'in for the other guy. So no opinion and honest votes is better than my "honest and 99% of the time negative opinion" and lil faggit's that can't take an insult voting against me no matter what in my battles.

If u say they suck....they gonna say u suck.....
so i don't say shit ne more.....

I aint inactive-I'm informed

you have a total of 85 battles... how can you even say the bolded part?

I have actually voted for dudes who voted against me.... that may make me an exception in your eyes...but if i read some shyt or listen to some's only right to leave feed...good or bad... that's the only way to keep the site "active".... as far as battles go.... no one wants to battle kats that they know... like there's some law against it or sumn.... all the "so-called vets" and "good" RV kats are cool with each other for the most part and would rather freepost than to actually accept what could be a really good battle between friends... either that or they waste time telling newbs to get some skills and come back.... if people is complaining about battles and who's doing it and who ain't... why don't ya compile a list of everyone you wanna battle and call 'em out? all the kats you think would give you a run for ya money.... know why it won't happen? cuz all the kats you think will give you a run are either: a) ya homie b) better than you are but ya don't wanna expose yaself or c) they are one of the millions of aliases running around on the site that you've already battled and won or lost to.

Charge it to the game... if kats really wanna battle they'll get more active and start calling folks out til someone answers


"real recognize real but still others remain jaded
believing bullshit accounts of how "so-and-so" made it
there's a formula for gimmick emcees that are over-rated:
wackness created... payola paid it... and radio overplayed it"
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