Thread: eazy e
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Old 03-09-06, 06:46 PM   #35
Middle Weight
twenty9's Avatar
Posts: 538
From: Bridgewater

Eazy didnt write all hiz lyrics, but he wrote SUM. i wuz listenin 2 an interview wif gangsta dre'sta, n he wuz sayin that he'd wrtie sum lyrics fo Eazy, cuz it'd take Eazy a week 2 write a song, so he needed lyrics faster, so dre'sta helped him.

tha way i see it, no matta who wrote tha lyrics, NOBODY couldve rapped them n made them sound az good az Eazy did. Eazy couldve sang tha fuckin mentos commercial song, n itd sound fuckin ill az fuck. werd

were kolby, werd.
March 26 1995, we remember

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