Thread: White struggle
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Old 03-10-06, 04:26 PM   #8
This Is My City
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Posts: 3
From: Chicago

Originally Posted by Maku JaiiLiin
this is going to be on the topic of white struggle.
what is your idea of white struggle, or the struggles of white people?
do you believe that they struggle at all?

common white struggle arguments:

1.affirmative action:taking jobs away from white people
its the employers fault, for not hiring black people before, so talk to them, regardless if they loss a job to a black then they could easily go and get another one
2.political correctness in media:blacks can say many things white people can't.
considering the hundreds of years, white people enslaved us, raped us, and beat us, then unless u wanna give blacks reperations, then u should stop fucking complaining and be content with how shit is now
3.Black people simple can't seem to get motivated, to come out of thier poverty.
naw nigga fuck that shyt, blacks are already motivated to come out of poverty, they just show the ones that aren't motivated on TV, to keep that in peoples head, so blacks don't overwhelm whites in the intellectual world
4.White people who embrace black culture, are met with racism from blacks.
no the fuck they arent, whites who try and fail to embrace our culture are met with racism, the go around sayin phases like, waddup ma nizzle, whats goowood on tha low down fa real yo, you cant embrace a black culture, you have to HAVE black culture, you cant teach an old dog new tricks, you have to have ben raised in the hood, or around blacks to embrace the culture, you cant have been raised in beverly hills, then expect to be able to act black without being ridiculed, thats like tookie(when he was alive) going to beverly hills, trying to have a white accent, and mocking their way of life, fuck outta here
lesser ones.
5. Bet(black entertainment television) is blatantly racist, what would happen if they came out with White entertainment Television.
blatanly racist, what the fuck are you talking about its not fucking racist in any kind of way, its called bet because thats what it is, its entertainment for blacks, and those who are familiar with our culture, and they cant come out with a white entertainment television, because it would get no fucking ratings, no one wants to see that shit, not even white people, and the ones who would wanna see, would be 2 fucking busy with work n shyt, fuck outta here

6.Rap music is leading society, our youth in downward spiral towards destruction.
then thats the youths fault for being dumbasses and not having the common sense, NOT to go out and do what niggas in rap are talking about, because they aint gon b able 2 make money like those rappers, cuz they CANT FUCKING RAP, so dont blame that on blacks blame it on the dumb fucking kids

i myself will address some, you may disagree with me.

affirmative action.

w.a.(white argument)
i don't agree that a black person should be given a job over a white person simply because the color of his skin. Because of affirmative action, more qualified white people are losing jobs. I'm not racist, i just don't believe less qualified people should be allowed jobs over, some better qualified people, that just may happen to be white.
lmao ur pissing me the fuck off, the point of affirmative action is because black people who were MORE qualified than blacks weren't getting the job, and dont you think employers know that? if they are required to hire blacks, they may as well hire the ones that are mor qualified than the white dude they would have hired had it not been for affirmitive action, its required, but why hire a dumb black person, next time think b4 u type son cuz u making yaself look dumb as shyt right now, and u pissing me the fuck off, especially since i jus got thru watching rosewood

my argument.

to begin, i'll note that this argument, is almost always angrily voiced towards a black person. i.e. dave chappelle was on a talk show a while back, and a crowd of white men, were all angrily attacking this topic, putting it towards him. White people against Affirmative action, always direct thier discontempt towards black people. Which is The very last person you should direct this argument to.

What ethnic group controls america. White People.
What ethnic group makes the laws in this country? white people
Who put this law into effect? White People.
What is this law in counterraction to? The on the job racism in...White People.
You see affirmative action was put in place, because the overall mindset in white people, in position to hire, was a racist one. Black people weren't getting jobs, because they were in a country ruled by racist white people who wouldn't hire them. In putting this law in, they probably knew that racism would never end. When you are exposed to such blatant racism, on such a high scale, it's hard to believe that it would ever end. So, by white people, against racist white people, this was put into effect, to give blacks an equal chance at having a life.

now on the subject of blacks that are not as qualified for the jobs getting ones over more qualified white people.
if this ever happens, its the dumbass employes fault, affirmiive action is required in big companies, where hundreds of people apply, not corner stores, or grocery stores, and outof those hundreds, im am damn sure that some of the blacks are much more qualified than the white dude they would have hired

If this happens, it is a side effect of the system. It is sad, but the black people hired, if they arent as qualified as another white person, at least they are qualified enough to do thier job. And that's all that matters.
blah blah blah dont try and cancel out your dis to blacks with a semi compliment

You can only blame the racism for this side effect, maybe if white people were giving black people a chance, or would, because i believe it affirmative action went out completely, thier would be massive loss in jobs for black people, this wouldn't happen.


so if you have any complaints in affirmative action, blame your racist brother, or your government.

5. Bet(black entertainment television) is blatantly racist, what would happen if they came out with White entertainment Television.

you see, at the time bet came out, mtv only played one black artist: Michael jackson. All thier music was geared towards white people, we didn't have our culture on tv, and our culture is and has been a big part of america.

if they only played one black dude, then it was your culture, it was white entertainment television

so bet was made.
it displayed and aired music from our culture, ones geared towards the youth and to the old, and gave us a sense of accomplishment while also catering to us, specifically.

is it racist?

no i don't think so. Because if it weren't for bet, mtv will still be in the shape it was then.

mtv didn't start playing rap, out of the goodness of thier hearts. they did it in competition with bet.

this isn't opinion it's fact.

white entertainment television(what would happen if it came out)

people might be outraged, but if they would it would be rightly so.

white people have been in complete control of everything, blacks and other minority's have lived in a system structured against them in every venue of thier lives. Less than a half century ago, we couldnt get married legally, couldn't eat in the same places, couldn't find work. Everything was made the better of the white man.

so if w.e.t.(no laughs) would almost mark a blatant return to this era.

anyway post your thoughts.

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