Thread: Jesus is fake.
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Old 03-10-06, 08:27 PM   #120
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

I can't begin to notice how many skewered posts Serbness has...

If a animal was talking to me. i would believe he was jesus or god himself.

Then your next post states they have the mind of a second grader. If he came back as a bear, people would run. If he had come back, he could've been killed for food if he was a deer or something edible. Other things would be killed or taken for hallucinations. They wouldn't have killed a human so easily. Also, a second grader can distinguish if someone is walking on water or not, and there was a large gathering of people who witnessed his miracles...granted, 70,000 people claimed they saw the sun dance around 1913, but whatever.

I especially enjoy Serbness' inability to listen to logic, solidifed by where he agrees with the points of people on his side but continues his stupid little rant when someone opposes him.

If someone was trying to cover up the death of the 'son of god', they could've come up with something better...e.g. he came back in the body of another follower who was trying to mess with people's minds.

We envoled with all that knowledge. People back then also believed in Witches.

which this elimates the thought of Jesus being a female, beacause he would of been burned to the stake as people would think he is a witch.

Do you practice being this stupid? We didn't evolve with this knowledge, we learned from our mistakes and documented it over time...a common ancestor didn't make apes, then humans sprang forth and then a cavemen went 'oh yes, let's invent a lightbulb'. When was the witchhunt thing created anyway?

Burning at the stake:

Historically the term designated, especially for witches, the period within Western history in which there occurred intense burning together with various types of murdering of witches. This period is known for its bloody witch-hunts and crazes which extended from the mid-15th century to the early 18th century. [ source: ]

The witchhunt hadn't started until about 1400 Jesus could've been a woman...there goes that theory. What other things do you have for me to shoot down?
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