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Old 03-11-06, 02:59 AM   #8
Middle Weight
twenty9's Avatar
Posts: 538
From: Bridgewater

i think that my parents treat me worse than my borthers for no reason. when my brothers were my age they were doin pretty good in skool, but im doin even better than they were. Both my brothers got busted for underage drinkin by my parents. when my brother (the younger older brother) got caught drinking his punishment was that he could continue to drink, he just wasn't allowed to talk about it. when my oldest brother got caught with marijuana his punishment was to cleean the garage with his friends(i didn't know that he got in trouble until after i got suspended) . When i got caught with mairjuana, i was grounded for a month and i had to go to work the week i was suspended from skool, with no pay.

I recently got suspended for fighting and my parents are now treating me like i am a bad kid, my mom even had the nerve to call me a "punk", i told them that i got in a fight cuz they guy was a dick and i bet my brothers would have done the same.

so, yea maybe im blowin this out of proportion but i think i get treated worse for no reason.
March 26 1995, we remember

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