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Old 03-11-06, 09:03 PM   #28
M Eazy
Put Yo Money On Me
Posts: 1,653
From: Sacramento, CA

Voted For: TaShay

This was a terrible battle. I give TaShay my vote, and probably tha win because she had the most and better disses in there.

TaShay-I think you had better disses in your verse that your oponent, thats why I gave you my vote but I think you should work on better wordplay and more creativitie and actually making since in your verses. I seen you repeatin tha same thing. Only time it would be ight is if your verse was actually nice and your bars were making since. I saw way too many sexual lines in there that werent hard hitting at all. Any below average person on this site would've won this battle.

Buddy-First off, you had a major chance to take this battle and run with it, but you didnt. I read TaShay's verse first and wasn't feeling it so that gives you wayy more credibility because I want you to come at least a lil bit harder so I can give you my vote, but you didnt do that. I think you should just come up with good disses. That's tha only thing battling is, is dissing your oponent. Fuck what these people on this site say, I been on this site since 2003, (different name), and I been in over 50 battles and won 75% of those because I thought of some creative disses. Your opening line should always catch your voters attention, if your first couple bars are wack, thats guna say a lot...and alway spread out ur verses, because it makes it look like thats hella reading to be doing, and no one wants to be reading. Just come up with disses and make embarass your oponent as good as you can, and I garuntee you will always come out on top.

Overall-This was a weak battle in my opinion to say tha least. I think you both should work on disses and creative wordplay.