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Old 03-13-06, 06:55 PM   #6
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728

Originally Posted by Judicial
GOD's plan when he created/started out life on earth was to basically see if we could avoid temptations and seek him and just live through all the devils BS and all that blah blah blah.......he wants US to be able to do the right thing and learn, he doesnt want to have to do everything for us, he never said it life was going to be easy, and GOD didn't do those things to our ancestors, HUMANS did that, we are sometimes influenced in doing evil by the devil and we are influenced in doing good by him, its our job to make the right choice, and some times we make the wrong choice hence why we are not perfect....

You pretty much broke it down right there Buddy..

Not saying I agree with it tho, because I'm no christian, but from your point of view, you couldnt put it better then that, I now see where you and your faith is comin from.

People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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