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Old 03-13-06, 08:39 PM   #11
B.I.G.'s Avatar
Posts: 1,111

for "Raw Proof"

I'm too good for you, but training is never useless
you force your rhymes, I do just lyrical abusing
you sound like 50 Cent, calling everyone a retarded
here's what I think of you.... oops I just farted
"yo this Ax dogg is not good at all, he raps like a whore "
I tryin to stay on your level, one level lower..... floor
I'm not a foul-mouthed, but fuck, you fuckin suck niiiiiigggaaaahhhhh
someone Carmelo's age can rap better than ur bitch ass
.... U missed an E on "Befor", that's how you want to go to war?
.... Take a look right on your score, you need deliverance for sure

(nah, that wasn't my best)
