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Old 03-14-06, 12:08 AM   #7
Ms. Get Gully
Ms. Get Gully
Posts: 1,631
From: Fl

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
There have been articles found that were written back when jesus was alive that described him as a short man with a bit of a hunch back..

The church (in all its wisdom) changed all descriptions of jesus they could get their hands on to describe him as a 6 foot tall handsome blue eyed white man with great posture.. Somewhat of a movie star of their day.

They also changed all texts that refered to jesus in such a way that made him sound like a mortal prophet.. Because they wanted people to think of him as a deity.

This is just another reason why I hate most wide spread structured religions..

They are for the most part, a pack of liars and fools...

hmmm interesting.
and people wonder why i question the bible.
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