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Old 03-14-06, 08:48 AM   #30
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Heh.. I didnt know that..

You know there are theorys floating round these days that Mohammed, the prophet of the Islamic religion was actually Jesus Christ.

Makes you wonder.....

yeah i have heard about that aswell, i honestly dont follow religion, its impossible to tell whats true, when you compare the old testiment to the new, so much stuff gets re-worded and changed around its un-real, but apparently there is a place you can go and see the very original bible(the first one ever written), i cant remember where, and how true that is i honestly cant say.

but id be willing to bet money that if thats true, you could compare that to the more recent testiments of the bible that most of the stuff would be completely different.

but also whats really annoying, is the fact that they say god beleives in freedome of choice, and all that stuff, and then around the city you will get people standing there screaming and shouting sections of the bible and then telling you why you SHOULD turn to god, as if its something you have got to do to get into heaven. that in my eyes is trying to force us into religion, and religion has allways been put forth as a choice.

i contemplated a few times about choosing the path of religion, but with so many things not making sense, and looking a pack of lie's, it makes it hard to beleive ANYTHING that is said through religion.
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