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Old 03-14-06, 12:05 PM   #32
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Heh.. I didnt know that..

You know there are theorys floating round these days that Mohammed, the prophet of the Islamic religion was actually Jesus Christ.

Makes you wonder.....

Yeah, that's actually old news lol. But it isn't true. Islaam was created and funded entirely by St. Augustine after the time that Christianity had already started, at around 70 A.D. The conept of "The Prophet Muhammed" only had legs because Yashua was a well known prophet who had brought success to "Christianity" a religion that did not exist till "Christ" came about. The Pope did not like that Christianity (and there for "Christ") had such a heavy religious influence over catholics who originally answered to and seeked word from the Pope and the Vatican. To regain power, he found someone who would lead what would end up becoming the Muslim religion and excorsized his control to make sure that Muhammed was guided in the direction that the Pope wanted him to. So much so that Muhammed's adviser who "helped" interpret muhammed's prophecies was catholic and influenced Muhammed to believe that anyone not adhering to the divine words of the human pope was an infidel who seeked to decieve the people, which included Jews and Christians. Muhammed even studied the life of St. Augustine in preparation for what he was about to do. As the word of islaam spread to the arabs who were told that they were the chosen ones, the forces for the wars against those religions grew massively powerful.

The Pope OK'd the approvals needed for islaams generals to attack north africa where christianity and judaism had spread, the same place "Jesus" was born and lived. The muslim army in respect to the pope for empowering them also heeded orders to rename the greek statue of Venus to "The Virgin Mary" and the statue of the god Jupiter to "St. Peter" which is where our images of these people come from.

The Pope didn't expect that this religion that he created and influenced to destroy his enemies would eventually grow so wildly out of his control and eventually seek to even overthrow HIM as an "infidel", so peace talks started after the muslim armies invaded turkey, lebanon and were poised to begin on Italy and other land masses, which caused a loose peace between catholics and muslims while the Pope was changing aim to one of the biggest Jewish landmasses on the globe, Russia and areas north, such as poland germany etc. The empowering vision to all Muslims was the (intended) appearance of The virgin mary (the false idols mentioned in the bible) in the muslim city of Fatima which was named after Muhammeds daughter. This was considered the virgin mary's seal of approval to the muslims and elevated Muhammeds daughter to the status of "The most divine female in heaven second only to the virgin mary" at around 1910.

The Pope (This time Pope Pius the XII) and Christianity tried to overthrow the Jewish people of Russia, Poland, and Germany again during the second World War with their Nazi army which everyone knows is staunchly Catholic and seeked to kill all Jews after Hitler was convinced that Jews are responsible for killing the christian Messiah. Once again...They created a monster and it backfired, since Hitler began to seek total world domination with his version of Christianity that was fueled by a maddening passion for genetic science, a hunt (and find) for alien life, and paegan practices and symbols such as the swaztika which originally is a symbol for one-ness with nature, the 4 cardinal directions, 4 elements, etc and pointed clockwise, not counterclockwise which denoted a reversal and undoing of these forces. The Swaztika it self is centered around a cross.

What's ironic is that thousands of years later, this is the EXACT same thing the catholic United States did with the Muslim Taliban. They created them by training Osama to train foot soldiers to combat the U.S.'s (religious) enemy at the time which was Russia post-cold-war, funded him by giving him munitions from their weapons cache and billions of dollars, filling him to the brim with "you-are-the one-ness" and religious zeal, and cut him loose. backfired.


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