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Old 03-14-06, 12:55 PM   #247
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728

Its hard to tell who your dissin...clean up ya act...
verse is like Murderin mobsters, ya straight whacked!..
lets make a ''pact'' hang up the mic and I'll Go Easy
I'm like a pimp to a prostitue..
......................................The way ya hoe ''needs-me''
I just assume you got a bitch, cos you are a bitch...
and we all know lesbians will just ''fall for any tit''
Puns? many slow motion like a rocky-fight
I wish you could back up your words..
.....................................but your just cocky, right?...
I got it on lock 'n when I cock this Nine...
Your hit & with arms spread like its 'Quarter past Nine'*
I thought of one line...that beats your Twenty at me...
Dont worry if your minds tired..
.......I got rhymes that'll give you PLENTY OF SLEEP (Your dead )

*= quarter past nine lol...the hands on a clock would be facin left and right like arms spread out, namean?..

People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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