Thread: Mod Aplications
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Old 03-15-06, 07:13 PM   #10
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Name: DaTrusHurtz
Have your ever modded before? I helped mod this league for a lil bit
Why should i pick you: First off, since I'm an RB head, I'm not friends with anyone here. Therefore, all my decisions will be impartial. Second, I've been texting for awhile. My experience from seeing so many battles over the last few years can tell me what's fair and what isn't. I know when someone is getting cheated. Given that I've been dicked outta some battles in the past, I know how much it sucks. I will show very little leniency in terms of letting people get away with biting, swaying, feeding, and all that shit. That leads to the 3rd thing, biting. Bar none, I can guarentee I've read more battles than anyone who applies for this job and prolly anyone who's in this league. If someone bites, I'll know, I've prolly seen it before. Therefore, shit like that won't get past me. Finally, my experience with this league is why I should be chosen. I've helped mod this league and I think people would say I did a good job. I didn't mod for long, but I was timely with getting up new battles and answering any pms I got. I also did top 10 punches for awhile. Overall, I have the experience and fairness to be a good mod here.
Your activity level: I'm obviously not very active here, but that's because I'm an RB head and I prefer that site due to it's superior talent levels. Now, given my activity on that site, I obviously have time. I'm online a considerable amount every day and if chosen to be a mod, you can bet that I would be very quick about deleting sways and doing anything a mod needs to do.
Why do you want the job: Mostly, I want to help RV. If this site is ever going to succeed, it has to clean up a lot of the swaying and bullshit that goes on around here. The lack of talent isn't the only reason I don't battle on this site. I feel that if chosen to mod here, I can make this a much more attractive league and I'd like that opportunity to help.
What mod spot do you want: I want the first mod spot of looking after battles, dqing people who cheat....

Choose me, thanks
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