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Old 03-16-06, 01:28 AM   #83
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
But does one really die if all thats happening is a large compression followed by a re-birth as a new cycle is created?

And as the big bang happens, the matter that now makes up the earth would have been forming along with all other planets in the universe right after the heavens (which would be referring to the starry sky dome that they saw from the earth back then) had just come into existance as the earth would have just started attaching itself into orbit with the sun.

However remember also that the bible, although a great read.. Is not always going to be scientifically correct.. It's explenation of how the world came to be is pretty realistic as to what may have happened.. But theres no real way someone from 2000+ years ago back when science was literally non-existant could give an accurate theory of what went down back when there were no earthly inhabitants to view such happenings. And even these days we can only give off plausable theorys. For all we know, our galaxy was singularily formed through matter leading through a black hole from another parralelle universe creating a big bang effect then slowly reaching a point of demise where the effect is turned back on itself sucking everything slowly back in and beginning a new cycle in another universe or universal location. For all we know, the big bang theory is way more localised than our innitial theorys. Possibly the universe is a constant?

The reason I believe god is the universe is simple deductive logic. It makes more sense realistically than a sepetate entity being that god is supposidly everywhere in the universe at the same time.. He takes no depictable form, he is in complete control of everything and everything abides by his laws.

We were supposidly made in his image.. Look at the human brain. It is essentually millions of tiny receptors all connected to make a larger whole. The universe is an inconcievable amount of tiny stars and planets all connected, moving together through the force of gravity.

There is so much about this universe that we literally have absolutly no idea about. Our science of today is primative compared to what it will become in the distant future. I mean I could be wrong? God could be some kind of universal energy force? Or he could be a seperate entity.. I'm just going by whats most logical and realistic in concurrance to the currant human knowledge on these matters.

If something can reanimate it self and return to life it still but still decays, ages and dies, then by definition it can not be "God". Therefore the universe can not be "God".

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