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Old 03-24-06, 12:45 AM   #6
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Voted For: Po'etiquette

Close battle. Nah, seriously it was a close battle.

Both had their points that stuck out

Po po had had a short little story, documented the usual case for the loss of religion. I got lossed in the plot so that was good, and the ending had me going wtf for a second.. then I went back and read and it made sense. Continue writing this and make it a song and ill read it.


Your shit had a good way of wording everything, only it spent quite a few times off topic. Not really off topic, but irrelelvancy in the beggining. It sort of bored me, I know that sounds horribly immature, just my oppinion don't hate me or call me a herb in your mind.

Vote/ po po