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Old 03-25-06, 06:14 PM   #13
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

You've got to be the stupidest shit ever.

DID I SAY ANYTHING ABOUT EVOLUTION? You stupid little fucking shit, stop trying to fucking insult people because your dumbass is the one saying 'a lil beyond cavemen'.

lol fo real we were like prehistoric back then jesus probably looked somewhat like a caveman along with everybody else back then

Yeah man, humans were so totally like prehistoric back then. Jesus looked exactly like a caveman. Do you think it takes 2000 years for evolution to take place? Fucking keep making yourself look stupid, twat. Stupid little bitch ass can't handle being wrong so he makes some stupid little fucking kintergarden attempt at dissing me by saying I'm an accident, since he obviously knows exactly how I came to be. Next he'll be saying 'yeah, I'm your daddy.'

i mean fo real we were practiculy cavemen back then but a lil beyond cavemen, people was still dazzled over the invention of fire

Read that five times and realize that there is a major difference between the two thousand years since Jesus was born and since Neanderthals and the rest of the cavemen.

think we havent evolved at all since then, then ur ignorant as fuck
...WHEN HAVE I SAID WE HAVEN'T GROWN SMARTER? And we've barely evolved, it takes millions of years, at least for anything noticeable.
if u havent noticed 2000 years is a long ass time
Not compared to how long humans have been around, and especially not compared to how long life has been around...keep embarrassing yourself.
and stfu before i leave u more fucked up than the writting in ur sigg
Yeah, because I'm so scared I've upset some stupid RV fag enough so that he's going to come over to where I live and beat me up because he's wrong about every single thing he says.
stupid ass trash talkin, claim ta be so smart, lil 13 year old 7th grader
One, you're the fucking stupid ass trashtalker, dumbass...and have I claimed to be smart at all? You're complimenting me by saying I'm trying to be smart, which means you think what I say is smart, and since I know what I'm talking about, thanks for the compliment.

well we still werent as smart as we were today so stfu
[b]But they weren't dazzled by the creation of fire like your dumbass thinks. not the one makin all the anti-god threads, im not the ignorant one
Thanks for the random comment. Good to know, neither am I.
..and i did say a lil beyond cavemen didnt i??
Do you know what the meaning of 'a little' is? It means a small amount. A small amount past cavemen? No.
what u think we havent evolved since then???
I think I've addressed this stupid ass comment.
Q was right he probably looked like that picture he posted on rv
and I have agreed on this, dumbass...what the fuck are you rambling about?
but ya'll are so ignorant that u put him in the bible as u wanna see him
...What the hell are you talking about? Keep rambling, you oversensitive little crybaby bitch. I didn't put anyone in the bible, what the hell...the bible doesn't even say Jesus was white, the pictures of him do. The same people that made that lie are as related to you as they are to me.
..too me that shit ignorant so stop acting like ya'll smarter than me
Trust me...on this subject, we are.

Thanks for making me waste my time on your whiney little ass.
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