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Old 03-27-06, 05:56 AM   #12
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

And the last thing I plan to say in this thread.

Apexx, I feel that you are using intellectualism to promote hate for me and what you THINK I stand for. You have got to be joking. In your other thread, you come as if, "Oh, I'm just soooo curious about it," when I'd stated time and again my position on homosexuality and how it relates to God. Satan, you are a liar. Get under my feet. I don't believe you, you lying serpent. Then, to add insult to injury, you don't PM me and ask, you POST an inflammatory thread in the LL, where you know Q haters flock, to "learn" about what I believe in. No
Let me tell you something. You don't give a SPIT about what I believe in. All you want to do is use this forum to promote YOUR agenda of Apexx and his philosophies. That's fine. But, DON'T YOU DARE use me as a pawn in your little game. I believe I have my AIM posted. You could have Pm'ed me, anything. So, don't you DARE insult my intelligence by suggesting you were just "curious" about what I believe in. That's a lie, flat out.

Furthermore, how dare you reject God and then use the bible to codemn and jude me. Satan, I rebuke you. You have no idea what God has done for me in my life. And, I don't have to justify it to you. I suggest that you get over this hatred for homosexuality, me, and God. I am not the one who's going to be your whippin boy. And, don't even try to bring other people in on this because YOU KNOW they are ignorant and closed minded to begin with.

You came back to this board on some so-called "enlightened" tip. Yea...sure...That lasted for how long befor the old Apexx came crawling back out? These kids can be wowed and amazed by your antics, but I'm not. I do not respect someone who goes out of his way to make someone else look bad and himself right. Me? I don't care about being right. I care about trying to better myself. And, I see that you are a toxic person to me, your very nature. You are paranoid and think everything I do revolves around you. Example: You had the audacity to assert that I was on hidden mode so you couldn't see me looking into the various HATE THREADS you made about me.


I am a grown man bro. Don't think I'm one of these lil kids running around this board that you can convince of B.S. NO.

I am not having it, never. You do not know me. You can sit around and inflame everyone else, but, I'm done with you. I don't owe you JACK SPIT.

And ANOTHER THING..................................

Just because Nos, Mim, and a couple other GAY BASHING, Q HATING Bigots agree with you, doesn't make you right or GIVE YOU THE RIGHT to continue to inflame and provoke me. You all's logic is absurd. Here's what you do.

Apexx: Makes a thread that's BLATANTLY inflammatory towards Q:

Tha Q hatas flock in = Mim, Nos, a couple other...

Q comes in and takes a firm stance...

Then...The gang of Bigots GANG UP and say, "See, look at him, acting like a faggot cuz he got upset that a bunch of people are sitting around making threads about him and saying really RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL things."

Again, I have every right to hold and express opinions on this board WITHOUT you or anyone else resorting to gay bashing. Now, you can do what you what because only God can strike you dead. But, that doesn't make it right, EVER.
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