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Old 03-27-06, 10:13 AM   #20
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip


Oh man... I aint gonna read all that shit... I jus found it funny that instead of just giving a straight answer in the other thread you typed up a 10 page essay trying to justify why you follow a religion that condemns your sexual preference. I'm not gonna argue whether your right or wrong... Cause in this situation there is no right or wrong.. Religion is speculation..

You can go off quoting all the bible passages and whatever else you feel like quoting..

But the fact still remains.. The subject matter your arguing over is all based on old (and most of the time, antiquated) human philosphys... Theres so much that you blindly read and take as fact that has absolutly no base. Did you know that when the bible was written, they thought the earth was at the center of the universe, hell existed under the ground and heaven was just above the clouds? I mean seriously... Wake up man.. Humanitys currant views of existance have come a long way since the stuff you preach on was concieved. The tower of babel? They literally didnt have the technology to built a tower up to space back then.. That shit was doomed before it even started... Even if they succeeded, they would have only frozen and died or been sucked out into the vast vaccume of space...

And thats a prime example of how human belief's can be compleatly misguided when there is no tested facts to support them.

Get a grip..
Take the world for what it is. Follow god. Read the bible for its great philosophys on life. But dont stoop so low as to take everything it says as a rule of thumb..

Nobodys gonna send you to hell cause your gay... Thats like saying retarded people go to hell.. Being gay is a birth defect where males become attracted to male pheromones instead of female pheromones. Its perfectly normal..

And this is the 21st century.. Its not even really frowned upon anymore... Except by dudes that really dont wanna know about it......

This is why I think organised religion is such a crock of shit.. But ofcourse.. You dont wanna hear that........
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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