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Old 03-27-06, 02:00 PM   #69
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Q, you hold dearly to your Bible as your means for salvation, yet the bible clearly states:

Leviticus 20:13 " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

How do you align your self with something that speaks so vehemently against you because of the way you were born?

I answered this in my thread about "blaming God for problems" after LK asked the same thing.

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
....ok i get ur point ,but...that example with the babies u used was not a good example
....u r sayin babies that are born with defects are the mother's diets' fault?
or she must have been drinkin or doin drugs?
u r wrong there are things that happen to babies without any of that....n even doctors cant explain it so i think that was a pretty ignorant generalization...
.............let me ask u a question?

do u believe god made u homosexual?
n why...goin with this theme,
if he frowns upon that,clearly he does in the bible...
n u r so involved in god n church,why havent u become heterosexual? could reason that it is "temptation from the devil"
speaking from a christians point of view i guess,not my own...
....what is ur take on that?

Sexuality in terms of physical attraction is controlled mostly by hormones. Those hormones are controlled by your pituitary gland. The last time I checked, people didn't have control over their pituitary glands. So, being attracted to someone, whether the same or opposite sex, is mostly out of our control. What we can control is when these urges come, how we respond to them. I am no more "hetersexual" than you are "homosexual." Technically, I can force myself to try to be attracted to females, even when my nature is pulling me in opposite directions. But, that wouldn't be genuine or fair to the female. I know so many closet homosexuals who get married, pretend to be "str8", and ruin females' lives. I've seen it numerous times. The bible clearly condemns gay sex. The bible also condemns fornication. it condemns adultery. It condemns beastiality. There are lots of things the bible condemns. So, I won't focus on one. Now, looking at your motive to bring up homosexuality is interesting because I don't consider having to deal with it "suffering" or a "bad thing". There's a difference between temptation and action. I am no more a sinner than a man who womanizes and fornicates habitually. Sin is sin. The truth of the matter is, I believe sexuality is a spectrum. I am not 100% "gay" because I do have thoughts of certain women and even having a kid one day. But, I would never put myself or a woman in a bad position just to prove to society that I'm "normal."

Plus, I didn't say ALL BABY DEFECTS were the result of a woman's poor decisions. I said that in that case, I know examples of people feeling that way. They didn't exercise precaution when they were pregnant.


PS...ONE MORE THING...I would Absolutely take a vow of celibacy before I'd force myself to do something just to "fit in"...If I'm attracted to a woman, I'd do it because I WANTED TO, not because society says so. However, if I never develop the ability to be 100% attracted to a female I'm with, I'd be celibate, easily too. That may seem crazy to you, but my life is my life. I don't have to life it according to your terms. Marriage and kids are wonderful for whom they are for. If it turns out that I don't get to experience that, I'll be fine with it. You play the hand life deals you.

Here's my answer to Apexx's question about why I call "people" ignorant. This was after you asked me about it.

Originally Posted by PIMPIN aint easy

I only called you ignorant when you resorted to bullshit. State your views and move the hell on. I just wanted it known that I wasn't making this up. It's documented in scripture.

nuff said
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