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Old 03-28-06, 02:56 PM   #188
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Originally Posted by Tha Q.

All this gay bashing is gonna stop...Yes, it's gay bashing.

You got hard questions. Well, here's a hard answer for you.

I have every right to answer questions honestly and be myself in any medium. I have every right to joke around and be myself in any forum. That DOES NOT give you or anyone else the right to gay bash me.

What am I talkign about?


Person A drops a track:

Q says "Naw, I don't like this, this was wack"

Person A says: You're just a faggot anyway

^That = GAY BASHING and is unacceptable

People on this site would try to justify person A's reply by saying, "But, Q called him wack."

????????????? You don't see the difference between me calling his music WACK and him calling me out of my name and being a gay basher?

ehh ehhh

That's the shit that starts 90% of the trouble on this site between me and other people. Apexx, you NEVER back down on an issue. I NEVER back down on an issue. But, when I stand up for shit, it's "OOOO, stop crying about being gay."

That's some bull shit. And, if these people were sooooo reasonable, they'd realize that there's a huge difference between me having an opinion on something, and bashing/harassing them.

Like I stated earlier, sounding "intellectual" while being a bigoted Gay basher only means they've mastered the art of being a well-groomed asshole.

Last time I checked, even KKK members wore suits and had jobs.

fuck dat...

I'm done with this topic. I'm done with every fuckin topic on this site because people are too fucking closed minded to consider anything other than the bull shit they call sense.

Got more questions? Too damn bad...I don't owe you or anyone else on this site shit.

This time, I said SOMEONE ELSE wasn't ugly.
I hate being right.

#2...MOST gay people don't look feminine or act feminine. But, if you're looking for something, you'll find it.

#3...I'm done in this pathetic thread. You're pissed cuz dudes said u were ugly. I never said u were ugly. I think you need to vent on someone else.

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