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Old 03-29-06, 03:31 PM   #4
Tha Q.
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Originally Posted by Apexx
I'm saying "according to the bible" which "according to the bible" all persons have souls. This isn't about what you or I believe.

I edited to include the misplaced scripture, but I still dont' see what the sense is in what you're saying. Jesus said only one person is in heaven - him. What's so hard to understand about that? You accept everything you want to hear that Jesus says, but you want to fight and challenge and look for alternate meanings to everything that you DON'T agree with.

In the book of revelation, Jesus reveals to the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos the account of the end times. Jesus makes it quite clear to him that there will be a resurrection of the good and the evil. Then, every man will stand before God's throne of judgment and give account not only for every deed, but for every word uttered. We all will. And, we know that Jesus isn't the "only one" in heaven because Paul clearly states in Hebrews that we are "encompassed by a great cloud of witness." No where in the scripture does Christ or anyone else for that matter deny the presence of heavenly "hosts." The context of the scripture you quoted tells of the meeting between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus was wondering how a person could be "born again" if he was already born. Jesus marvelled at his disbelief and basically said to him, "You see me here in front of your face, and yet you still don't believe."
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