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Old 03-30-06, 10:36 PM   #12
a.k.a prozak
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Posts: 2,177
From: your walkman

lmao damn its hopeless baby i tried giving these people some truth but they dont wanna hear it....
that response to all these "hints" and "Clues" is that its all a marketing scheme ta get more money off of pac's shit and they wouldnt do that wit biggie's or anybody else's shit cuz it'll look obvious...
but come on now, afeni shakur is in charge of all his unreleased shit,
now afeni beat cases such as being sentenced away for 150 years in jail and shit by HERSELF in a time when racism was a MAJOR THREAT...
i know by the way she speaks about her son that she cares bout her son,
if it wasnt for her, pac wouldnt be who he is, and i know she aint gon let no marketing shit go and put false hope in her fans, if they ever tried pulling that off wit her son she's sue them and EASILY win the lawsuit..and besides biggie wasnt no poet but pac was, usually u need somebody that inta that shit like that machavelli shit that'll be crazy enough and inspired enough ta fake their own i dont if this clip is a fake or not but i know it IS pac, there's nuthin fake lookin bout him unless u majorly stretch the truth ta say it doesnt look like him,
but if it is him it cant be recorded froma time before he died cuz too much recent shit was brought up and the cars were newer models, and who gives a shit if jesse jackson read him his last rights, that doesnt mean he's necassarilly dead
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