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Old 03-31-06, 05:03 AM   #6
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Led Poetic
Why the fuck do you guys like apexx... do you not remember his faggot ass when he was Doomsday and we was battling RW in a site battle and he was saying how bad our site sucked and all about how wack we was?

Oh yeah Another Question:

Doomsday (APEXX): If our site was so wack and everything then why the fuck did you stay here after all your pointless pathetic posts?

LMAO at how your anti-Apexx revolution is going lmao.

But to answer your first question, when I first got here, the site DID suck. Ask anyone who ever put their voice on a mic on this site. Pfftt, ask anyone who's been here more than a year lol. RV tried to battle RW because RW (the site I was Adminning after helping to build up) at the time was voted the #1 rapsite and RV was like 8th or something along those lines, there's about 4 threads about it still in here if you want to entertain your self. The funny thing is no body on RW knew that till people on RV showed us.

To answer your second question, I used to only chill with Carson and 7/3rd (back when me and him and 7/3rd were mad cool) who both told me that there's a select few RV heads that know what is up and relate to what I'm talkin about. Me and 7 (who was the Head Songs Mod) both would talk about the condition of the site and what not with the kiss-ass feedbacks if any and the humongous dickriding circles and what not all the while we'd be dropping feedbacks day after day after day in every post in the songs forum and actually educating people. that anger stacked up and we both started asking questions of "is it worth it anymore", damn, we know we need to..but..dayum! the day I was leaving for RM, 7 IM's me like "yo, I'm essentially gonna step down, and phenom is usually inactive, you want a modding position?" and that's when I saw that I could stop complaining about the problem and actaully do something about it. He introduced me to Phenom and they both said to feel free to do what I felt was neccessary. That's when everything started to change.

The same people that are seen as "knowledgeble audio heads" right now, were the ones dropping REAL feedback all the time because they had knowledge that they wanted you to know, instead of kissing your ass in a popularity contest and you never improving - which is how me and Triple N became cool, though we originally had bad words in the past. And though mad people hated us for it, we knew we had to do it. After that I redid the rules and as a result NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON didn't leave two links. Everybody was more inclined to drop audios because people were giving A: real feedbacks and B: FEEDBACKS!! which is about the time Ike started recording like crazy and became officially "underrated". More and more audio tournies started popping off, and more and more information was being pumped out, like mad stickys about how to get better clarity, trip was telling people about how timing works, we're discussing how your voice is actually an instrument in your throat, mad more posts about sound quality and how to mix your own stuff and gear and stuff when people actually became heavily interested, - THEN Trip made the Marketability thread, and even recently the Manuscript (that EVERYBODY should read) for your album artwork that Phenom orgnaized, the "how to tune your mic" thread recently after that and so on and so fourth.

All that, is why I stayed.

I don't take full credit for anything, but shit man, you can't deny my invovlement.

While you were busy in text land, I was over in audio land helping to build knowledge of what you eventually hope to do and do well. Record on a mic. And to this day, people still hate me for it.

So if any of that makes me an asshole, then yeah say it loud - FUCK APEXX!!

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