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Old 04-04-06, 06:37 PM   #30
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Chris Stylez
Virus are different. They are contracted differtently, They react differently, and they are treated differently. The reason we can't contract A.I.D.S. from a kiss from our saliva because our saliva is not potent enough. Yes people can contract aids from taking it in the ass because of the type of tissue the inside of your ass is made up of. The tissue inside ya mouth, your ass hole, the inside of your penis, and your vagina, are made up of a special type of tissue that leaks into your blood stream. You cannot get A.I.D.S. from kissing due to slavia swapping. But you can get A.I.D.S. from kissing if someone has a cut in their toung or mouth or inside of the cheek and there is actual blood.
^^I understand that you feel that way, but there's been many cases of people catching AIDs from their partner/spouse that had it though they had no sexual contact. If you think you have to have an open sore in your mouth inorder to ingest someone elses saliva into your blood stream, that's not 100% accurate. The same way you may experience bleeding with things like strep throat is because way you ALWAYS have an open pathway to your bloodstream right in the back of your throat in your mucous membranes where your oral and nasal passage connects. Add to that, everything you ingest orally and swallow gets taken into your blood stream as your body breaks it down and uses it.

We already know the human mouth is receptive to the virus orally since it's well known that you can contract HIV AIDS through oral sex - oral cuts and sores or NOT. "It only takes one cell" remember?

Prior to 1997, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) denied any likleyhood that HIV AIDS could be contracted from kissing. The CDC has since altered that statement and have stated that the spread of the HIV AIDS virus IS possible through kissing:

"French kissing and the CDC

Continuous French kissing could damage the skin of the mouth, gums or lips, and for this reason the CDC advises against kissing an infected person in this way, since the disease can be carried in saliva."

[found here:]

"Because of the potential for contact with blood during "French" or open-mouthed kissing, the CDC continues to recommend against engaging in this activity with an infected person".

[found here:]

Answer: HIV has been found in saliva. It lands up there due to blood flowing into the oral cavity from broken mucous membranes/sores. In theory therefore this body fluid should be able to infect someone else.

[found here:]

It would seem we're sitting a little too comfortably on the assurance that kissing isn't AS likely as sexual contact and mistaking that for UN likely. The CDC has already come foward and said that it's possible. Naturally, the CDC down plays this by saying it's even MORE likely in the cases or open sores or cuts orally which are more receptive to transmission.

After looking into it my self, I discovered that "an open cut or sore" would also include your gums bleeding during brushing or flossing, and the gums are yet another orally direct pipeline to the bloodstream. Chapped lips. Cold sores. A scratch on the surface of your gum. Even a the damaged mucous membranes of a 'sore throat' would be considered an oral "open sore".

We've already discovered that we can contract AIDS through mosquitos, though that was originally thought to be impossible. We found out you can get AIDS through a blood transfusion, though that was originally thought impossible. Though the CDC says that it IS possible and that saliva contains bloodcells which contain the HIV AIDS virus, why are blinding our selves by saying it isn't? Come to terms with reality and protect your self.

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