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Old 04-07-06, 05:02 AM   #23
One Mic
J.D's Avatar
Posts: 1,437
From: UK

Originally Posted by Daft Manner
90% of U.S rap sucks on a lyrical level

most of it is generic, club anthem garbage.

the UK shit i listen to...perhaps under 50% is senseless club anthem crap.

if you know what you're talking about please drop ya thoughts in here.

I'm not fussed on your opinion but fact is you didn't come into WW2 until the last couple of years because it made you look good and you're the only country to use a nuclear bomb for destructive purposes and are now afraid because it may happen to your big arse island. remember nagasaki, hiroshima?...

and who did vietnam whoop?...because you went to war with them for no reason what was the gain??? and you STILL looked stupid in that war

British military is the best in the world...WE TRAIN YOUR TROOPS

I mean America is "great" but you describe killing your own troops accidently as "friendly fire?" remember early days in killed more of your own troops before you even started shootin iraqis...why can't you people just shake hands when being friendly???

i mean America in general isn't such a bad place...the people there honestly believe they live in a democracy when infact they are just being played off one another. Since Bush has been in administration you've attacked countries like Afghanistan, Iraq which ironically are plentiful in natural resources and claimed a terror organisation called Al Quaeda was in the areas when infact Al Quaeda itself DOESN'T EXIST it's just random minority terror groups that have been labelled Al Quaeda to make themselves look frightening to make American people scared all after 9/11 < that was the day that Bush knew he could use propaganda to take whatever he wanted because he knew if he advertised a "threat" correctly...the american people would believe him. I mean the weapons of mass destruction fucked up and incorrect was it!...and ye Blair is partly behind this too...but he's only supporting Bush because America is a big force in what would seem as "world domination"

got carried away...but ye before judging other countries...look how fucked up your own is before comin here and goin oooo uk sucks blah blah blah...

btw Klashnekoff > most US rappers...

Jehst > most US rappers...

Mike Skinner > Most US rappers...

if you people are frightened by an accent...listen to the diverse crap your own people produce...

Southern rap Ludacris

Southern rap = death of hip hop...fuck crunk too

tru statement that^^^^

seriously you cant just say fuck the UK when you've heard like 1 bad UK rapper lol

half of the UK emcee's own US people anywayz
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