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Old 04-07-06, 05:22 AM   #26
Mad Dog
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Posts: 8,635
From: Crawley, England

Originally Posted by Billy Baghdad
ummmmm dog.........Yall begged america to come help...........cuz you were LOOSING!

and your another liberal ass hole beileving all the liberal shit....other liberals tell you........

oh and WMD'S!!!!!!!! were there..............

look up GEORGE SADA.......and SADDAM's SECRET

those words will git you all the info you need..........

and I hate people saying dumb shit like bush caused 9/11........
ummmmmmm......why the hell would he do that.....lmao

what does he git out of it?........the oil.......whoopty fuckin dooo

if thats what he wanted all along...........

he could have tricked us ito drilling in

its cheaper.....and easier........u dumbass!


um no i never said Bush caused 9/11, people who say that are too narrow minded however he did see 9/11 as an opportunity to capatise on the fear of the "free world"

George Sada...Saddams Secret???

^ wtf i'll look it up coz i'm not the type to blatantly gnore shit that's presented to me...

but the fact is Nato people went to Iraq, looked around they couldn't find anything...i'm not saying there wasn't anything there and it's known Saddam WAS using research in WMD's however given the evidence that was presented to Nato, there was NO VALID REASON as to why US needed to invade Iraq. Saddam had no part in 9/11 and there was no evidence linking him to "Al Quaeda" or Osama Bin Laden.

So basically your country and ours went to was based on speculation and rumours...

shit that is disregarded...all it was was hearsay and America jumped because they felt threatened....look at the cold war...US & Russia built their military up because there was speculation that both were about to attack each didn't fire because i feel Russia woulda took it to you...America isn't all great it uses bully tactics to get what it wants...

2 thirds o the world hate you...there isn't no reason except for Americans blind ignorance of their own ego to not understand why...and it's not the peoples's not yours it's your government...and the government reflects on the people...countries are represented by the people who run them...example

Bush Asshole - US Assholes

Blair Asshole - UK Assholes

Mandela Dope (when he ran things) - Africa dope

Mugabi - complete wanker - Mozambique enslaved and controlled

And as for WW2...if you started when we did and fought it from beginning to WOULDN'T be acting like you walked the whole came in at a time when most of the countries were low on ammunition hence why one free country asked another for help...and you didn't want to know until the time came when it made your country look like a driving force in the world...when it was clear that America only wanted to know when all other countries were struggling again proving how cowardlike your country is.

But i won't go there

Originally Posted by High Dro
furthermore, june 3rd is the only good day to be born

^ Amen Brother ^

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
i'm still tryin to figure out how bein born in another country makes somebody fake.


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