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Old 04-07-06, 01:30 PM   #4
Posts: 6,178

Deepest Desires

My pupils dilate… my thoughts make me blind
My mind displaces… projecting desires outside
I feel blood rushing through my head… my mind clears
As my vision reinstates itself… an image draws near

Through ghostly faint visions, colours leak like paint incisions
In my eye, I decide to chase it down… it’s my mission
Thoughtlessly I try to clear the straight, I pick up the pace
I reach my goal, or so I thought, I find a letter in its place

IT’S A WASTE OF TIME”… maybe it’s a sign,
Maybe what I desire will never be mine
Maybe I should sink back to my tedious existence
Maybe my pursuit is simple meaningless persistence

Logic can kiss my proverbial… I refuse
To choose my previous way of life, there’s no excuse
I’m focussed on my goal, and this life is unique
So I have no reason not to gain the pleasure that I seek

Or at least try… if not, the day when I die
I’ll reflect upon this moment, shed a tear, and think “Why?”
At the corner of my eye I spot the thing that draws me near
The distance between us narrows… it disappears

SHIT… so close yet so far, the thing that proves bizarre
Is that it’s always out of reach, my hope becomes scarred
I’m inches away from giving in, fuck it I’m done
Suddenly a letter’s in my hand: “MY BOY YOU’VE WON!
Whoa! my deepest desire has stared me in the face
That’s to never have a desire I’m required to chase…