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Old 04-10-06, 03:40 AM   #5
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

Originally Posted by Tha Q.
That's not scriptural. Yes, the bible says "God will not despise a contrite heart" And, it also says, "He causes his sun to shine upon the just and unjust." But, that doesn't mean that God has to respond in your time. That's what I'm saying. These people concluded that prayer doesn't work because it didn't happen right away. That's laughable because from studying the scripture, God rarely responds that way. Also, if someone hasn't accepted God and has cursed him all their lives, God wants to here one thing from them, "Save me and forgive me" not "Gimme this and gimme that"

ehh ehh


lol, when are people gonna realize that the New Testament exists!!!! and therefore, because of Jesus and what he did you can't hold all of those old rules to our society, thats the whole point! now, are sins ARE forgiven and if we accept God he WILL listen...

its that same misunderstanding of the Bible that leads ignorant ass conservative Baptists to tell all these random people they're going to hell, like thats any human's place to do anyways
"Motherfuck a struggle, lets dance in the rain"

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