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Old 04-11-06, 03:24 PM   #4
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DIDISI_MP's Avatar
Posts: 64
From: Blacktown

actually im from australia you fucking cockmuncher
so why dont u go get your guts fucked
cause i think bruno is waitin for you with his ankles behind his head

and i didnt say australia hip hop is trash i said its got trash

i was a bit one sided... i mean nz has trash too (fast crew),
but the majority of main acts in aus such as figkidd and ect ect is just shit,
a bunch of dumb faggots hiding thier aussie accents,
bliss n eso r fucking trash,

compare the main commercial acts aus has to the main comercial acts nz has,
you can see the diffrence..
so dont get angry cause u think i was dissin australia u stupid aussie fucknut
its dumb fuckers like you who give us a bad name
jump to conclusions? why dont you jump on these nuts biiiiitch
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