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Old 04-11-06, 04:40 PM   #14
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

wtf @ no theme.
wtf @ arnold swartzanager

do kids idolise arnold? no
do kids idolise 50 cent and think hes cool and shit? yes.

Rap fuels these movies. By creating a fanbase that likes guns gangs killing and murder. it creates reason for movie producers to take hold of the hip hop fanbase and make movies relating to the shit.

Sylvetor stylone??

when was the last time you heard a kid say "stalones dope, he doesnt give a fuck hell kill anyone"
Plus its a movie most people know its fake.

when was the last time you heard a young kid say " 50's dope, he doesnt give a fuck he'll kill anyone"?
being a rapper,they instantly think what he says he does, he does.

Theme= gimick.
Gimick= minstream
mainstream= wack.

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