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Old 04-12-06, 12:06 AM   #5
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by DIDISI_MP
actually im from australia you fucking cockmuncher
so why dont u go get your guts fucked
cause i think bruno is waitin for you with his ankles behind his head

and i didnt say australia hip hop is trash i said its got trash

i was a bit one sided... i mean nz has trash too (fast crew),
but the majority of main acts in aus such as figkidd and ect ect is just shit,
a bunch of dumb faggots hiding thier aussie accents,
bliss n eso r fucking trash,

compare the main commercial acts aus has to the main comercial acts nz has,
you can see the diffrence..
so dont get angry cause u think i was dissin australia u stupid aussie fucknut
its dumb fuckers like you who give us a bad name
jump to conclusions? why dont you jump on these nuts biiiiitch

No, its naieve little cocksuckers like you who got no fucking idea what your talking about, then get these poofter attitudes thinking you know your hip hop...

Your telling me your FROM australia, and you have such a fucking faggot low self esteem about your country that you give props to another country then diss your own countrys main acts..

Are you that much of a fucking wanker...

You needa get fucking bashed cunt................ If you were from NZ then atleast I could understand the bias... But to then turn around and say your from australia...

Who the fuck do you think you are......
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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