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Old 04-12-06, 12:39 AM   #7
(X) CeEding all Expectations
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Posts: 829
From: New Zealand

Originally Posted by DIDISI_MP
what do yall think about nz hip hop right now?

theres some major talent, i think, like
deceptikonz -savage-mareko- (hottest artists out now), dei hamo (battled him twice now) , rahzel(BEST beatboxer their is), ect ect

i think they are some of the best hiphop being made at the moment,

in shits all over australian hiphop

aus has got trash like
hilltop hoods, bless n eso, ken hell n weapon x,

i also heard the deciptikonz are moving thier base over to aus,
do u think in the near future aus will establish itself as a predominant hiphop country?

what r your thoughts??

Bro..... r u fuckin out your mind u fuckin herb??? nZ hiphop?? Savage?? fuck up... savage is a fuck... Dei Hamo?? wtf? hes a fuckin whore?? hes a joke.. hes like nzs 50 cent... plz shut tha fuck up... auz hiphop owns.. nz.. xcept shit like frontline.. n scrbe n u talk outta ur ass.. i went battle 4 supremecy.. i took out that freestyle comp comin 2nd.. .... n nz hip hop aint great .. wit fuckers like savage.. bro..

trust me... i doo more hiphop than u .... bro.. get ur shit sorted.. n auz n nz doo hiphop 2gether.. if that wuz tha case.. scribe would not fckin go platnim 4 times u whore.

u fucker.. i battled the wonders.. n they won? ... by like ..bately.. shut tha fuck up.. n wat are they? like 36 facin a lil xceed like me??.... fuck u...

HErb.. eat a Dick............

Nz hip hop owns u... bt not savage.. n ur fuckin baby boi queer boi rapper dreams..

imperial Records... owns u,... haha


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