You Cant Handle The Truth
From: in the streets fighting |
look, I'm not saying slap a limit on and stifle someone's ability to express themselves but is that really ALL there is to talk about?, guns, cars, money, hos, it's all easier totalk about than real issues...I'm pretty sure all them niggas have been in love with a chick, don't rap about it...have learned something in school...don't rap about it...and I could go on and on about what they DON'T rap about but I'm sure has happened in their life...nobody's life revolves around drugs that damn much, I'm sorry...there's way more to talk about than what the average mainstream rapper talks about...rap about politics, you care about the 'hood so much rap about the injustices you see in your 'hood...make it known how you grew up, without glamourizing it and making it look "cool" to some white suburban kid that bought your CD or making it or "okay" for the little boy in your 'hood growing up in your same situation to see that the only way out is selling drugs like you did...there's more than one way to succeed, I just wish rappers with as much influence as they have on youth today, would use it for more positive things
^ WE - RAWWCAST - 24/7 ^
Originally Posted by Artik Phrost
LV - real talk as usual..dope shit
you're like the best story teller over a beat
Originally Posted by PhaseOne
my whole album is inspired by you LV.
thats how i got this classic album.