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Old 04-12-06, 02:10 PM   #17
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015
IP: doesn't matter what you are meaning, people can switch the 'yeah, I'm successful' into 'that motherfucker is trying to show off to me' if you've struggled enough to have to steal to survive the day...and aye bro, I haven't struggled in the hood, but I've struggled elsewhere at a young age...and kids are susceptible to anything, man...even if your intentions are good, they can be twisted.

Why are less rockers shot? Because they probably don't have as many enemies...but whatever man...if I ever get famous, I'm helping out the ghetto, struggling people, and keeping what money I need only to live a life of mild luxury... as in I can wear nice jewelry and drive a decent car, but not have a personal jet and a house worthy of long as I can keep my head straight.

Aye man, the world is sad when it's susceptible enough that it'll accept that some reasons behind what kids do is 'because a video game or a song influenced them'...and they get off easier for their stupid shit. It is THEIR FAULT, and if a kid fucking shoots another kid in the head on purpose, he shouldn't get off easier than some kid who doesn't have a copy of San Andreas in his home...
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