Thread: The Q...
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Old 04-13-06, 12:28 AM   #38
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

dude are u slow? the original comment i made in this thread was NOT directed at u,yet u once again,decided to hop on someone's cyber nuts
Yeah Kitten, because every single other person other then you and Q in this thread are on someone's nuts...oh, I forgot, we're just proving your dense ass wrong.

.......the person i was speakin to has not replied....
Let me get this straight...were you talking about the original thread not being directed at me, or are you talking about the part of your post saying 'you're following me around' in the thing saying 'that wasn't directed to you?' Be specific.

find a hobby son..................................
You're right, after relaxing after baseball practice the second time in a row while I'm still sore from batting cages and the like, I should go out when it's pitchdark and play some basketball...yeah.

i've sure seen an awful lot of u in the last few days talkin to ME
What do you consider an 'awful lot'? Because you could count the number of threads we talk to eachother in on one hand. I've sure seen threads about your dense ass an awful lot in the last few days, but you stubbornly stay here and contribute nothing...
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