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Old 04-13-06, 04:37 AM   #10
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

watch how easy this is...

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
1.u didnt see madam merks old pics,OR lady fiyas.......AND the ppl talkin shit i've had beef with or dissed their are they REALLY gonna tell me what they think of me? again...if i cared,i wouldnt have posted my pics......

How are you gonna hate on every chicks pics here when you're the most busted one? be real son...people who didn't even know you saw your pics and started dyin laughin and dissin you for 30 pages worth.. in case you forgot. <<--notice this is the same question I asked you for #1, yet it still shit on your statement? that cuz you never answered it.

2.stupid? u are kidding me right,i'm not gonna list off my education to some wanna be net rapper who hasnt even gone to community college lol

since when did community college become an achievement? I've gone to engineering schools for the line of work I became a professional in. Fluid dynamics and Race Engineering. The same career I had for 3 successful racing companies like the racers group.
And that was AFTER I worked for Prudential writing scripts for their demutualizaition handbook. Do you know what an initial public offering is? lmao. don't fool your self kid lmao. unlike you, I have a past WAY bigger than shit on computers

3.i dont give a shit about ur little pity party for madam merk.....she posted that shit up on ONLY problem is that she fuckin keeps denyin shit she does on here.....

What are you gonna do if it happens to you? diss your self?

what about your mom?
your son?
post up disses to em on the net when you see em? diss their pictures? <<--notice this is the same question I asked you for #3, yet it still shit on your statement? that cuz you never answered it. that's because you were busy changing the subject.

4. show me where i said i hate the a matter of fact,i've never even said i hate rv,i just said its wack now for battling cuz of the dickride....and that certain ppl need to get a life outside of this,cuz all it is,is a rap board....

again,rv does not equal the internet,it is just ONE site on the internet,i think u are getting the 2 confused,well u DO live on here n this probably is the only site u visit....n u were callin me stupid?

call the internet what you want, why'd you spend 6.5hrs on a rap board that you say is wack, doing nothing but attacking people? AND NOT EVEN WITH RAP!! nice try at dodgin the subject though

5. the audios i made were made all within 2-3 weeks after i first made an audio..flow only takes practice,n if this is what i wanted to do,i'd be doing just that....but it isnt what i want to do......................again,u are still butthurt about me pointing out the problems with ur audios? thats the most real feedback u're gonna on it son,n thank me if anything....maybe it was a little harsh for someone so sensitive like urself...but it was the truth.

You don't rap, you don't talk about rap, you don't post anywhere else but the "lyricist lounge" and you're not even a lyricist, your music career has gone no where beyond diss tracks on your soundclick that you your self say are "wack", yet you think you're qualified to give 'advice' on the rap industry? How? <<--notice this is the same question I asked you for #5, yet it still shit on your statement? that cuz you never answered it. just tried to attack me again.

6.i'm such a good rapper? lol
i think i've been sayin all along that i'm NOT a rapper...are u not payin attention? again,who is the stupid one?
....the point i was makin when i talked about battles i had was,that even though i dont take this seriously AT ALL,i still beat everyone who came at me...........
its just jokes.....

didn't you say to Q and merk already that "I owned you guys in text I KOed you....2 years ago!!" talking like you got rap skills....from some shit.....2 years ago... And once again, how does some shit you did on text on a message board qualify you to give advice? funny you seemed to miss that part in your response.

yeah. u heard from CHO that i met my man on the net n u believed it...yet when i "believed it" when someone said u were chubby u were sayin why do i believe one person for sayin it....i can say the same....

who the hell said I was chubby other than you lmao. You keep sayin that, but who's ever seen that other than you? Who's ever even said it?? but i bet I can find no less than 400 posts of people saying YOU are FAT. It's your Member Mugshot thread

kyle(cho) is someone who was on a board i was on before.....he has no idea how i met my man,he had a drug problem then,n still does...n was barely even on the board ...fact is,he is the one who met Q in real a rap board.....
as for me provin to u i'm married? get outta here son i couldnt care less whether u believe me or not,what difference does it make...if it helps u sleep at night,then just pretend i'm single.......

pfftt, I got more reason to believe him than to believe you lol. especially when he's not lying, he said he met Q, Q says he met him, you say hey met each other, everybody agrees, wtf are you bitching over? YOU however are fishy as hell and your story never adds up, so imagine how credible he is vs. you - a known hater already willing to say anything.

8.dude,when u get married,or find a girl for that matter...u'll see that when u are with someone 24 hrs a day almost,after being together for years n years,u start to have some alone time too.....u dont just do everything together man...maybe when u first get into a relationship....n when we are on the net,we are doing other things,banking...etc. again...u spend a lot more time on here than i do,yet u claim to be self employed ,a big time rapper etc...i dont know how u find the time...............not to mention time for a life

I dun a business ONLINE so of course I'm on line a lot!! But you and your man spend "time apart"....together on the internet??? RIIIGGGHHHHTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!

9.actually,i have a bachelor in comp. sci so yeah ,...i'd say i use the computer a lot dude.............................................u figure out the rest

figure the rest out? ok. i figure you're a fat, gothic computer nerd who always wears black, she out of a job like most computer nerds, depressed, and taking it out on the world. Compters is a mainstay in her sheltered life and "rap" was just a phase from over 2 years ago. Her relationship is probably on the rocks since she LIVES on a computer since the world dosent' accept her, and her band new son is already used to seeing her waste away affection time slumped in front of a keyboard and your claimed man probably thinks "cybering" classifies as "safe sex".

that's what I figure.

10.not that i have to explain myself to you but.....(n this was in the other thread which u obviously checked out)if ur stupid ass would look at the date on those pics,those pics are from 2001 NOT current.....i have a camera,but it has trouble transferring pics to the computer,so it doesnt its basically like not having a camera at for cellphones we have 2 between the 2 of has a camera,one doesnt.....the one that does,i tried out when i got it n the pics were MAD blurry......then i dropped the phone a few times n the camera stopped workin on am i gonna go buy a new camera phone when i dont use that blurry ass camera in the first place? no......
as for the pics i posted....i had 1 pic i posted up like 2 yrs ago that i took myself when the cam flashed in my face....n the only reason i even had that pic is cuz it was on my webpage i had.....the other ones i posted here someone else took,why it wasnt a full body one,go ask em..........i had hundredds of pics,all of which i lost when my computer crashed...(if i didnt lose my pics i would still have madam merk's pic too)its crashed a like 3 times in the last few yrs n i had to format.......i lost a lot of important files so picture shit was the least of my woories....n the pic of my house n dog i found on a disk when i was lookin through a matter of fact,i was lookin through it hopin to find some full body pics to shut ur ass up...............again,something might turn up i do have a lot of cds layin around.....

"uh yeah, my camera phone is broke, and digital camera is broke too, and uhh...i had hundreds of pics but uhh...something happened to em and know..uhh yeah, I might come up with something..maybe" maaann STFU!! lmao. and I know the picture says "2001" on it dubmass that's my point. You talk about LF for havin your pics hosted for free online still from 2 years ago, yet you sayin you woulda had Merks pics saved on your computer for WAY LONGER THAN THAT!!

FUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK ouuuttaaaa heeeeeeerrreee!!!!

lastly...."the only time u see me smile" was titled that cuz i never smile in pictures....i guess yall wouldnt really know that but i just never do for some reason... CUZ YOU'RE A COMPLETE HARDCORE BITCH!! n it was also titled that cuz none of yall will ever see me smilin in real life......

again,these "hard questions" threads are retarded....fuck this interrigation shit rofl
yeah anything showing you're full of SHIT is "retarded"

n kyle..i didnt even hear ur audio yet...i already know how u sound u used to send me ur shit over aim for critic...remember? my man already told me it sucked balls......

I expect more from you as always. like I said:

"i know you'll come in and attack me then talk about everything else but the fuckin issues."

you hate it here so much, we hate having you, why do you still come here?? tsk tsk tsk

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