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Old 04-13-06, 08:42 AM   #2
13th.'s Avatar
Posts: 4,190
From: U.K

Originally Posted by Daft Manner
Proof is dead...

it's been 3 days and already i'm seeing oh he died @ 4:30 switch it and pow you got 4:03 the time Pac died...psshhhh people please the man had a wife & FIVE kids

as for his track kurt cobain;

he was giving shout outs to people close to him in the FORM of a suicide note it was a topic...nothing more i've seen posts like oh he talked bout dying and ye it's weird he was filmed dying in Like Toy Soldiers BUT!...

fuck if Leo Di Caprio fuckin drank rat poison accidently and died you people honestly think because he was filmed in Romeo & Juliet drinking poison there'd be a connection or if he froze to death like in Titanic you'd think that was suspicious???

this is the type of shit that kept the Pac conspiracies going on for 10 years...don't even START thinkin he could be left 5 kids....5 kids who won't see their dad again...i wouldn't fake my death knowing i wouldn't see my boy again

Simple. Let Proof R.I.P!
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