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Old 04-13-06, 02:54 PM   #22
Jack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by Nejji Bangaz
i understand what yall r sayin, but when its EVERY SINGLE guy...even ones with long term relationships.....if a girl and her friend havent messed around before u came along, wut difference is ur presence gonna make?!

Guys on RV are kids who know nothing about relationships or girls. So they'll all say some dumb shit to come off as being cool or funny.

Look, everyone is insecure, and a male friend that you're close to dosn't help them. A girl will ask her man truthfully how she looks in a dress, because she's insecure, either she's insecure that she dosn't look good, or she just wants to hear him say that she looks great, but she's insecure that maybe her man dosn't find her attractive. Here's a secret, guys are the same way, but we're not as open. They won't admit though. I could give you a whole bunch of differant reasons why your boyfriend might have a problem with you and your friend, some you may not have even thought of. Look, perhaps it's not even about if he thinks you'd cheat on him with the friend, it might even be beyond that. Think about that for a while, if you don't figure it out, ask me on aim, i'll be more then glad to converse about it with you, lol

And I do recall a certain someone being just a little jealous over a girl that her man was friends with, hmm, who could that have been?
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