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Old 04-14-06, 02:27 AM   #1
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007
Free malcom kendall smith


[The war on iraq is fucking stupid.

RAF officer malcom smith, served twice in iraq with the british army.
After seeing the truth of what happens there TWICE, he decided he would not serve his third service in iraq.
he has stood up for what he beleives in and decided the war on iraq is wrong,after being involved twice.

He has been jailed for 18 months for refusing, He was also ordered to pay £20,000 in costs.

The judge told him: "You have, in the view of this court, sought to make a martyr of yourself and shown a degree of arrogance which is amazing.


He is his own man, not the governments, after being involved twice, he knows what goes down there more than anyone else.
So he has a right to speak on if the war on iraq is right or wrong.
But I guess freedom of life doesnt come easy for those who know too much.]

Fuck american government.
Fuck British government.

[Oh yeh, Im fucked off cause hes from new zealand.

Bush you pathetic fuck!]
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