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Old 04-14-06, 10:46 AM   #11
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Originally Posted by DQ
Gonna ban every fuck that ain't doing something constructive?

Might as well close the damn site then haha.

I wouldn't care if she started beefing with me, gotta put yaself above that shit man. Put her back in her place once and for all, let it rest then. If you ain't giving her attention, she'll get bored and move along.

No...not ban every fuck, ban HER because of her track record as of late...

Someone who is not only racist, but homophobic...on top of that, thinks EVERYONE is ugly but herself...makes up lies about people...Beefs with damn near everyone...ehh ehhh

It's funny tho...cuz, everyone starts out by saying, "Oh, just ignore her and she'll disappear" then THEY end up going at it with that deranged bitch.

It's not even that it's funny beef anymore...It's the kind of beef that's annoying, irrelevant, and flat out wrong.

Taking someone's pic out of context was played TWO YEARS ago.

Anyone who supports that bitch now has no basis because she does NOTHING for the site. At first, it was at least funny. And, we all got a kick out of people clowning her in her picture thread. Now, she's resorted to lies, slander, racism, homophobia, and plain bull shit.

RAP verse


Where is the rap in all of this?

I say the people who're only gasin her and themselves all need to STFU and drop.

All this yak and where's the mic?


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